Thursday, October 30, 2008
Matt's face
Matt came home today with what Wyatt calls "daddy got an owee." Matt was at a gas station and some dude asked for money and Matt said he did not have cash. So this guy trying to impress these girls with him tried to show Matt up. This guy completely suckered punched Matt out of no where. Matt than had to give the guy the old one, two. As Matt said "the guy was bleeding from all of his five senses." Ha ha I'm so glad he is okay. The good news is that it could have been a lot worse. 
Pumpkin painting!
I got the pictures mixed up and this should of been last, but this was after the painting of the pumpkins. Kynnlee was mad for at least a hour after I took the paint brush away from her.
Here is Wyatt sitting on the pumpkin. At first I did not intend on having Kynnlee join in the fun, but within seconds she crawled over.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
@ granbury halloween party
Today was the 1st Halloween party. It was a lot of fun In the costume contest Baily won best homemade and Wyatt won the most scariest. I would be scared of those muscles too!
Shadi was Tinker bell! So cute!
Costumes and random pics
Wyatt is Chuck Liddell for Halloween! So I sowed him this muscle suit and shorts. He really likes it a lot. But when looking at it keep in mind I am no seamstress. In fact I stapled a teddy bear together when I took home ec. in school.
To make his costume realistic we got his hair cut!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
our new car!
Guess what! We finally got a new car. We have been talking about it forever. Last night the family surprised us at olive garden. They had been plotting it all week. I can not believe Elizabeth kept it secret! Grady and Elizabeth was given their aunts Yukon, and in return they very kindly gave us the Ford Explorer! I cant even begin to say how grateful and happy we are. We desperately needed a new vehicle to accommodate our growing family. The car is awesome. It's Black my favorite color, power everything, Wyatt can not reach Kynnlee and steal all of her belongings, and we don't have to pull the seats all the way up so the car seats fit. Theirs so many pluses. Our neon has been great to us and we are still shocked it's still going strong with 184,000 miles on it. Well, here are some picks..................... Thanks 
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
crazy lady @ walmart!
Okay I think this is my first entry without a picture. But I really wanted relay my frustration about a lady I encountered at walmart today. My sister in law Elizabeth, her little crew, and mine were looking for finishing touches for the kids costumes. SO we had gathered in the material section. Well the first thing you got to keep in mind is that Wyatt is two. The second thing to keep in mind is that he is a boy. So while I was getting material cut I had my cart strategically placed behind me so that Wyatt could not reach any thing in the store. If not he loves to pull everything down and throw it everywhere. When all of a sudden I hear a lady yelling no, no, no. I turned around and this crazy lady has fer finger in Wyatt's face yelling no, no, no don't you hit me. I immediately pulled the cart towards me and told Wyatt to sit down. Then being just like my mom in many ways I then informed the lady that she will not yell at my son and tell him no. I was furious. She could have easily taken 2 steps in any direction and he could not have reached her or even said hey your son hit me. After I told her not to talk to my son. She said "well I just cant handle being hit". Like a two year old could cause any serious pain. After that comment I told her she could leave the store if she can't handle being around kids. But I must say after wards I did handle Wyatt and let him know hitting was not acceptable. I was really irritated all evening. But after my yoga/Pilate's class and a good two mile run I no longer want to show her what hitting is really about. Ha ha not really but it is good to know that after I told Elizabeth who had been a few isles down she was ready to go and handle that lady her self. But instead she went and put her kids right next to her so they could annoy the lady a little more! So the point of this story is that I will have to verbally abuse anyone that thinks they have write to punish my kids.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
At the Fall Festival
Wyatt had a lot of fun ! He loves to play outside so this was exactly what he needed!
Kynnlee is almost 10 months in a few weeks. She is still such a happy baby. Wyatt was already running around with a full set of teeth, and hair. Kynnlee has no teeth, hair and can not even walk. She is most defiantly mobile but she is in no hurry!!!!!!
Wyatt really cracks me up! The whole wait in line and play by the rules is not in his dictionary! It was most defiantly a full time job keeping up with him. His theory was to run a head and when the game attendant was not looking he would just steal his own candy or even try to walk away with the entire bowl. In this game you were suppose to throw the rings one at a time at the water bottles. But Wyatt thought it was a lot more fun to throw the rings all at once than he proceeded to kick the rest of the bottles down with his feet. The people at the YMCA just laughed. So that was good because Wyatt just needed to be a boy.
Here's Wyatt after we left I turned around to give him a water I got him from sonic and saw that he had smuggled more candy. It was every where. But look how happy he is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here's a picture of all that attended our little outing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FAll Festival
I Actually made this dress when Wyatt was only a few months old! I never thought I would be using it for my own daughter. I found it in the closet a few weeks ago. Then my mother in law called wanting us to bring the kids up for her works fall festival. It turned out great.
Before we leave these days Wyatt thinks it's his personal job in life to fill the car with gas. Ever since we ran out the other day in fort worth he ask me if we need gas?. Who needs a gas light when you have a 2 year old asking if we need gas every time we pass a gas station.
Here's Kynnlee in her outfit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just a picture of the two of us!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Wyatt takes kynnlee for a ride!
Kynnlee now thinks it's her job to climb every thing she can. While we were carving our pumpkins I looked up and she was standing on the fire truck. Wyatt that decided to take her for a drive. I love that they play together so well these days!

Pumpkin fun!
I thought it would be a blast to carve a pumpkin with my babies. And I was right! The kids loved it! The weather has cooled down to the high 60's. Kynnlee just wanted to stand on it and Wyatt was crazy enough to think he should be the one with the knife. But in the end we all had our jobs and it turned out cute enough. I have decided that on Monday for (fhe) we will buy the little pumpkins and paint them. That way the kids will have more to do.

Look what Wyatt carved all buy himself. He's only 2! I'm thinking he's a genius!
It is a scare crow for the people who do not have an imagination!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Picture Day!
As a surprise, for Matt, the kids and I went and got our photo taken. It was a lot of fun. I did not plan very well and had scheduled an appointment for one hour after kynnlee's well child appt. As I mentioned before she got shots. But, she had the best photo's. Wyatt refuses to sit still. In 99% of the photo's he was in it was an action shot. And I looked exactly the same in every picture. You would think I was photo shopped in every picture. So this photo ended up our best shot. It's not the best but we are all looking in the same direction.
Wyatt the fun little boy that he is refused to sit properly in any of the shots. In the particular one he actually sitting on the large pumpkin with his feet resting on the small pumpkin. With his arms behind the brick wall. He was suppose to sit in front of the wall with the pumpkins nicely placed next to him. But we love him anyways.
And last is Kynnlee she had about 30 perfect photo's of her smiling. It was hard to pick a photo of her. She just has such a happy personality.

Monday, October 13, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
@ the park!
Today the kids and I went to the park as we do every day. But today was diffrent. Kynnlee actually played and followed her brother (Wyatt) around. It was alot of fun watching the two of the learning to play with each other. 

Thursday, October 2, 2008
My enrty way!
And I thought this was very blog worthy! Matt got me flowers! I was very excited! It dosen't happen every day.
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