William has crazy hair everyday since Matt will not let me trim his hair yet! I came into the kitchen to
Jessies screaming like someone died to find that some how William had taken her sucker. I must say that he thought he had won the ultimate jackpot. He was not willing to give it back:)

This picture of Jessie I just love! She is such a fun girl and I love that I got a picture of her

My fun crew!
Kynnlees school is having
spirit week and Monday was crazy hair/ orange day! Which ever since her butch job she gave herself it was pretty easy to do. She thought it was pretty cool to get to spray her hair orange. She is such a
girly girl!

My mom sent the kids Skelton Pjs that glow in the dark and the kids have literally worn them almost everyday since. They glow in the dark and every night if the house gets quite you just have to check the backyard.
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