With in the first 5 seconds that I arrived in Canada I knew this would be the biggest temptation in his life. A hug pot of sticks! Every time Wyatt gets a second and you don't here a peep you know that he has stolen another stick. Or you will see a stick coming around the corner. Anyone who knows my mom knows her house is always in a state of perfection. The cleanest person would leave feeling they needed to go home and clean non stop for the next week. And Wyatt is giving the house a run for it's money almost everything from the waste down has been removed. Hahaha
'Grandma' may be clean, but at least she could be a 'clean, baby proofed house Grandma'! :)
I want pictures of the disaster zone!
Would make the ward website's top ten!
Anyone who has pics of Wyatts efforts at Grandma's post them on ebay and I will bid!
I'll double your highest offer!!! :)
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